Latest Past Events

74th General Assembly

General Assembly hi Kohran inrêlbawl dânah thuneina insângtak neitu chu a nih. Presbytery, Mission Field, Khawpui Kohran le Department-hai a inthawk palai khâwmin, kumkhat sûng vawikhat bêk rorêlna nei hlak...

Presbytery Conference 2023

PRESBYTERY CONFERENCE hi Presbytery pakhat sûnga rorêltu insângtak a nih a, kum tin vawikhat nei hlak a nih. Tukum Presbytery Conference chu November 10 - 12, 2023 sung dinga rel...

73rd General Assembly

The Chairman and the Secretary of the ICI Executive Council invites all to attend the worship services of the 73rd General Assembly to be held at Sielmat, Churachandpur, Manipur.